Do you find that there is a bit too much month left at the end of your pay cheque?Do you find yourself living pay cheque to pay cheque?Do you have loans or credit card debt that you would happily destroy?If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, you may this find this book useful.The book is broken into short chapters. I suggest reading one chapter a day or a week and doing the exercises as you go along. There are more free resources on my web site, Alternatively, read the entire book and then come back and do the exercises. Whatever you do, do it. Nothing works unless you do. Individual results will vary; action + focus = results. This is a short guide to help you get control of your money in 7 days or less. You will learn how to plan ahead, how to save effortlessly, how to destroy debt and start building wealth. Most people don't know what they are spending their money or on where it goes. By using the proven and easy techniques in this book, you will be able to track your money in less than 5 minutes a day. Financial freedom is completely possible for everyone, regardless of income size. Being financially aware is easy and anyone can do it. Being aware is the first step to absolute and total financial freedom. You will learn how I shook off debt that I ended up with by not being able to talk about money. You will learn how to have important conversations about money and how to make planning your spending, as a family, something fun and enjoyable. It's your money; you decide how to spend it. This book contains a few affiliate links that will allow you to purchase the software I use and recommend.Endorsed by Ruari Devlin ACFE, Devlin & Associates Accountants.“As someone who works in the field of taxation, fraud and business models, I understand the importance of a realistic budget and plan. I also understand how a simplified budgeting plan, as shown through this book, can make such a difference to a family/individual. As Prudence rightly points out through her writing, make a plan, stick to the plan and enjoy the benefits of the plan. Who is this book for? This book is for the child making their communion or confirmation, to assist them in understanding money, the value and the cost. It is for the student heading off to college, living away from home for the first time. It is for the families, who feel trapped, with no light at the end of the tunnel. This book is for YOU. In the immortal words of Audrey Hepburn, nothing is impossible, even the word itself says I’m possible. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have, and don’t forget your feedback on Amazon.”Ruairi Devlin ACFE Ruairi Devlin ACFE is a taxation consultant, business mentor, and practitioner of positivity. Through his business he works with small and medium size businesses and shows them how to make their business profitable. Through his practice of “positivity out brings positivity back”, he can be found on Facebook, giving inspiration to those who feel they have nothing left. Ruairi is also a member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.