Have you ever thought about investing in the stock market but did not know what to do? Inflation goes up at a rate of roughly 3% per year which means that you are losing money by leaving it in a saving's account with low-interest rates. One hundred dollars today may equal ninety-seven dollars the very next year and so on. If you do not invest your money in stocks or other accounts, you may lose a lot of money.So why should you trust me? Before you make any decision to follow my method, I would advise you to do some research on the basic terms and understandings about the stock market first. Yahoo Finance and brokers with additional research tools can help guide you in the right direction (I currently use Capitaloneinvesting which helped me learn tons). There are new apps now like Robinhood that offer FREE trading. I would also advise you to take my method and apply to decades of years back and apply it to the market so that you can see for yourself that it is a very simple method that works. Everyone wants to make the stock market a scary place and confusing place, but that is only if you day trade and take risks. You need to be patient to win. THIS IS NOT A GET RICH SCHEME. If you are looking for that then this book is NOT for you. I want to make sure that you understand the importance of patience. My strategy is to go for the long term, and to chose quality stocks that will ensure everyone success in this market.Lastly, I purposefully made the book super short so that it could be understood easily. I did not add any fluff, and you can apply this method within weeks of learning the basics. I would also like to say thank you to everyone who finds this useful. I hope you make lots of money on your journey in learning stocks. Just remember to be patient!