This book en-captures the struggles one has to overcome when beginning investing in the stock exchange in Jamaica (JSE). It goes on further to discuss the mistakes a young investor can make along with the do's and don'ts of investing. I fully endorse this book to the novice to intermediate investors. The Jamaican Stock Market has been rated as the best performing exchange for two years in a row and as such would be a great market to invest in for persons living overseas also. The Beginner's guide has a lot of tips but I am going to give you a bonus one for reading my description. It is that if you decide to make the wise choice of taking your money from savings and putting it in investing. Start off with half your savings the most then see where that takes you. The reason i am saying this is because you may need immediate cash at any point and the ones tied up in stocks will take two days the least to be accessible to you. #JamaicaStockExchange. Loving Jamaica. Jamaica is everything.